Help! I’m stuck on my Sustained Investigation

Finding the right art tutor can make a huge difference this time of year, and here are some simple reasons why. In creating the Advanced Placement Art & Design Portfolio, there are some categories of problem solving to consider. 

Some students have been working independently and may not understand the importance of the Sustained Investigation rubric, how to showcase their written portion using 100 characters, including spacing for individual works, and 1200 characters, including spacing for the written evidence summary. They may be unclear about the amount of work needed, about showing process over progress, or the other subtle scoring practices that count even more than virtuosity in skill.

Some may have teachers who lack experience with the AP Art & Design Portfolio, or who haven’t been trained in the complexities of the portfolio through a College Board National Institute Training. This can lead to a lot of confusion, and we’ve seen some portfolios that do not exhibit any of the  process oriented experimentation with underlying coherence, necessary to pass or get a top score.  Confusion leads to stress, which can then undermine motivation.

The deadline is soon,but don’t wait too long for the guidance we offer. By receiving personalized instruction, targeted feedback, and assistance with portfolio development, students can maximize their potential and approach the exam with confidence and readiness.

Contact us for a free consultation.


Let’s End the Confusion


December is a great time to take a deep breath!