Art and Fear… Our Imperfections

How can we recognize our “imperfections?” What to keep and what to discard? As artists, we get frustrated a lot! But that frustration can lead to the next level of ideas or technique. Recognize it, or talk about it with another artist. What works , what doesn’t. It takes a long time to learn to be your own critic, without emotion. It’s all a process, and sometimes the process means going back a bit before going forward. 

Does this resonate with you? I was reminded of the wisdom of a book called “Art & Fear”, when I was struggling with some painting ideas last month. I read a blog  by one of my  great teachers, a great contemporary artist named Alyssa Monks.

No matter if we have been creating art for a few months, a few years or are completely New York famous, we all go through moments of  doubt, of making mistakes. The key is to keep going , on to the next piece, and the next, always learning and expanding. That’s the way to blossom.


new beginnings