A new year guided by past success...

Not the distant past, though.. the recent past successes of my amazing and diverse clients. In 2022, these students have ranged from AP students in Dubai to others across the USA. They accomplished so much more than their expectations, in the AP exam and in acceptance to their top choice colleges. This year, I’ve been able to work locally, directly helping my students with art lessons as well as coaching on zoom for students entering art competitions.

This semester I hope to be tutoring and coaching you in the intricacies of a successful AP Art & Design Portfolio, striving for 5s . I will guide you to your best work, and help streamline one of the most difficult aspects of the portfolio, the Sustained Investigation Written Evidence and Rubric! Come join me, it will be a lot of fun for us both.


Student Awards and Announcements!


Not only AP art: personalized art tutoring and portfolio development, too!